Free Corporate Tax Assessment For Freezone Companies
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Are you a Freezone Registered Company ? *
Adequate substance means, based on level of activity carried out, you should have:
Adequate Assets
Adequate Number of Qualified Employees.
Incur an Adequate Amount of operating Expenses.
If you outsource the above activity, it should be outsourced to another Free Zone person and should have adequate supervision on outsourced activity.
Do you Maintain Adequate Economic Substances in Freezone ?
1. Holding of Shares and Securities
2. Headquarter Services to Related parties
3. Treasury and financing services to Related parties
Do you Conduct any of the following mentioned Qualified Activity ?
Are you Dealing with Freezone Clients ?
Excluded Activities includes:
. Any transaction with Natural Person other than:
a) Ownership, Management and operation of Ships
b) Fund Management Services (Regulated by any competent authority)
c) Wealth and investment management services (Regulated by any competent authority)
d) Financing and leasing of Aircraft
2. Banking Activities (Regulated by any competent authority)
3. Insurance Activity other than Re-insurance activity (Regulated by any competent authority)
4. Income from Non Free Zone Person from Commercial Immovable Property
5. Income from Any person from Non-commercial Immovable Property
6. Ownership or Exploitation of Intellectual property assets
7. Any other activity which is ancillary to above listed activities 1-6.
Are you Doing Excluded Activities ?
Are you Dealing with Non - Freezone Clients ?
Qualifying activities includes:
Distribution of Goods or Material:
- IN a DESIGNATED ZONE to a customer for resell as it is or after alteration
- FROM a DESIGNATED ZONE to a customer for resell as it is or after alteration
(Any activity for distributing the goods must be undertaken IN or FROM Designated Zone AND Goods or Material Entering the state must be IMPORTED THROUGH THE DESIGNATED ZONE)
Manufacturing, Processing of Goods or Material
Ownership, management and operation of Ships
Reinsurance services (Regulated by competent authority)
Fund Management Services (Regulated by competent authority)
Wealth & Investment management services (Regulated by competent authority)
Financing and leasing of Aircraft
Logistics Services
Any other activities which are Ancillaries to listed above.
Are you Doing any Qualified Activities ?
Total Revenue AED 120 Million
Qualified Activity Revenue: AED 116 Million
Non Qualified Activity Revenue: AED 4 Million
Di Minimis Requirement Calculation:
5% of Total Revenue - AED 6 Million
AED 5 Million
Lower is AED 5 Million and actual Non-Qualified Activity Revenue is AED 4 Million which is less than requirement.
Di Minimis Requirements
Is your Total Non-Qualifying Revenue is More than 5% of Total Revenue or; AED 5 Million (Whichever is lower) ?
Total Revenue AED 120 Million
Qualified Activity Revenue: AED 116 Million
Non Qualified Activity Revenue: AED 4 Million
Di Minimis Requirement Calculation:
5% of Total Revenue - AED 6 Million
AED 5 Million
Lower is AED 5 Million and actual Non-Qualified Activity Revenue is AED 4 Million which is less than requirement.
Di Minimis Requirements
Is your Total Non-Qualifying Revenue is More than 5% of Total Revenue or; AED 5 Million (Whichever is lower) ?
Company Name
Mobile Number
Comments, If Any
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